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Rosie is working everywhere and in everything I do

Looking forward to tomorrow at Windsor Methodist Church where I will be spreading awareness of Rosies charity. I love this piece written for the congregation by Rev'd Vicci.

Rosie is working everywhere, and in everything I do.

Thought for the week by Rev'd Vicci Davidson.

When I was at primary school, we would colour in a piece of paper in thick rainbow colours and then colour that over with black crayon. Then we would use something sharp and pointed, perhaps the end of a set of compasses, to draw into it, the black crayon would reveal the colour underneath and we would end up with multi-coloured pictures.

Sometimes, part of what gets in the way between us and God or us and healthy relationships with the rest of the world, is pain – physical pain, mental pain, the pain of grief. I am always moved by the many ways in which some people are able to take the pain of grief and cut through the top layer to the beauty underneath it by doing something good in memory of the person who has died. On Sunday at Windsor, Carolyn Keston from Rosie’s Rainbow Fund will be coming to speak to us during the service and her story is in that mode – I hope that all the Windsor folk reading this will try to attend.

However, it’s not just the big things that we want God to cut through to but the gentle, ongoing trying and trying again to do our best in the face of difficulty. In the words of the old hymn: “I trace the rainbow through the rain, and feel the promise is not vain that morn shall tearless be.”


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