It’s been the saddest few weeks.
June, my mum has passed away. Although she reached the grand old age of 93 it's hard to believe she is no longer physically with us.
Her funeral is done. A moving farewell for the great matriarch of our family who touched the lives of so many. Her legacy can be seen every time you turn on the TV seeing the stars she has nurtured. Oscar and Bafta winners West end performers, Soap stars, directors -the list is endless.
To me though, she was my Mum, my rock, and I will miss her constancy.
Her wisdom and resilience held our family together through some very tough times.
Losing her precious granddaughter Rosie and then her son Robin shook her to the core, but the example she set and her refusal to give up pulled us all through some very tough times. She is a strong presence through my book.
Life feels turbulent right now but I hold on to the belief that The Future is Rosie!